Text: Jakob Bidermann, Cenodoxus (1602 -- "King Lear", 1606)
A Global Stage |
My Thesis: |
The main character Cenodoxus embodies a central dilemma of Jesuit spirituality: Vice can take on the appearance of virtue and hence an individual can never be sure of his or her salvation. The play suggests that the only cure for this existential blindness is faith and submission to the Church. |
Bidermann and Jesuit Theater |
Can Your Heart Stand the Shocking Facts of Cenodoxus, the Doctor of Paris? |
"This man has every vice--yes, all, I say (...) Ommitting detail, they're comprehended in one word: he's proud, I've won: he's proud (...) My case rests here for where pride has its seat. All other sinds are found." (Act V, Scene I, 1660ff.
"Shall he be claimed by heaven, Who always did my bidding, never yours? (...) Whose every deed Was done at my behest and in my name, Who served for countless years under my flag, Fighting his own creator, shall this man be sundered from me?" (Act V, Scene I, 1673ff)
"I assume that there are three kinds of thoughts in myself: That is, one kind is my own, which arises strictly from my own freedom and desire; the other two come from outside myself, the one from the good spirit and the other from the evil." (Spiritual Exercises, 224)
"I will imagine a person whom I have never seen or known. Desiring all perfection for him or her, I will consider what I would say in order to bring such a one to act and elect for the greater glory of God our Lord and the greater perfection of his or her soul. Then, doing the same for myself, I will keep the rule which I set up for another." (Spiritual Exercises, 246)
The play externalizes this inner process and lets the audience observe it. Allegorical figures: image100, image200) |
Problem of Deceptive Appearances: Are you sure what you see is what you get? |
In short: Blindness defines the human condition! |
Different Degrees of Blindness and the Seeing Eye of the Church |
The Doctor of Paris : Is He Really All Bad? Can Learning Be Bad? |
Problem: How do you reconcile the development of modern knowledge with religion? Remember Galileo Galilei? He was a contemporary of Bidermann! |
Don 't want to end up like Cenodoxus? Sit tight
until I am done. |